A weekend of metamorphosis, transmutation, and transformation!
Welcome to our first-ever Alchemy weekend in Guadalajara, MX, September 21-22, 2024.
We’re finalizing the details, but since you have supported Randy and Jaime’s work, we want to offer you the best discount today.
Please understand that you must act quickly to reserve your slot and receive this special price. We expect a fast sellout of this inaugural event, and this is an experience you most definitely DO NOT want to miss! So I strongly encourage you to reserve your place today. You will not see a better offer.
Alchemy is more than an event, it’s an interactive deep dive of workshops, talks, and experiences designed to create a transformation – not just for a weekend, but forever. Everything about the program was developed upon the timeless principles of alchemy – the process of releasing your lower self to become the highest possible version of yourself. Just as the ancient alchemists did, we will seek transmutation. Over the course of this life-changing weekend you will connect with incredible people, gain powerful insights, and create life-changing transformation.
The Alchemy experience is created to grow your success by growing yourself. How you become a stronger leader, a more productive entrepreneur, and a better person. You will transform into the kind of person who exudes confidence, enjoys healthy relationships, achieves goals, and attracts the best people to your team.
That’s because your self-image, beliefs, and mindset determine how wealthy and successful you will become. Your core foundational beliefs set your vision, your vision determines your daily habits, and those habits create your results. At Alchemy, you’ll learn how to reverse engineer the process so you can manifest your own prosperity, without regard for external circumstances or past history.
Alchemy is the brainchild of Randy Gage and Jaime Lokier, two of the most respected, successful, and influential leaders the leveraged sales profession has ever seen. They’ve teamed up with industry superstar Erick Gamio to create an event…an experience really, such as the world has never seen. It’s created specifically to address the high-level issues of team building, organizational development, and leadership skills.
This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Really. You will learn Randy, Erick, and Jaime’s most advanced strategies on attracting elite performers, creating team culture, multiplying your duplication, increasing your influence, and accelerating your results. You will discover how to rewire your brain to create breakthrough transformations for both you and your team.
At Alchemy, you’ll discover how to:
Randy is the author of fifteen books translated into more than twenty-five languages, including the New York Times bestsellers, Risky Is the New Safe and Mad Genius. He has spoken to more than two million people across fifty-plus countries and has been inducted into the Speaker Hall of Fame. Randy is one of the most successful network marketers in the world. When he is not prowling the platform or locked in his lonely writer’s garret, you’ll probably find him batting cleanup for a softball team somewhere.
Erick has 18 uninterrupted years in the Network Marketing profession. He spends his days on the court training leaders, solving operational challenges and expanding his business, which in 2023 had a turnover of almost 10 million dollars.
His leadership style is rebellious, disruptive, but functional; focused on training independent leaders in the 11 countries where it has solid and growing teams.
Jaime is one of the most renowned Spanish-speaking leadership experts on Earth. In 2008 he built a team of more than 50,000 people, which led to him creating the consulting firm Multinivel en Serio. Whether you’re a distributor, director, or owner of the company – if you want to take your network to the next level, Jaime is the person you’re looking for. He is the author of the bestsellers Leadership Networks, Leaders Die, Movements Don’t, and Birthing a Leader. Jaime is the founder of Leadership Summit, the #1 Network Marketing training event in Spanish.
¿Qué experimentarás?
Pasarás tiempo con el resto de los participantes y crearás una mentalidad para un día extraordinario de avances.
Esta sesión inicial de cambio de mentalidad contará con Erick, Randy y Jaime hablando sobre la transmutación: cómo abres tu mente a las posibilidades, descubres creencias limitantes en torno a la autoestima o cuestiones de dignidad, y cómo crear una transformación para ti mismo durante el fin de semana.
Inspírate junto con tu equipo escuchando todo lo que se puede lograr cuando te transformas en la persona correcta y aprende los secretos, atajos y estrategias de aquellos que ya alcanzaron la cima.
En esta experiencia única, se seleccionarán voluntarios del grupo para subir al escenario y resolver los desafíos que están atravesando. Erick, Randy y Jaime colaborarán para ofrecer sus mejores consejos sobre la creación de soluciones innovadoras.
Algunos ejemplos de esta dinámica podrían ser ayudar a las personas a solucionar problemas del síndrome del impostor, no experimentar duplicación en el equipo, autosabotaje, quedarse estancado en un rango estancado, miedo al fracaso, procrastinación o cualquier otra cosa que pueda estar impidiendo que alguien avance para alcanzar su máximo potencial.
Si quieres lograr grandes cosas, necesitas formar grandes equipos y eso sólo se puede lograr desarrollando tu liderazgo. Y en el nivel central, esto significa su capacidad para influir en otros para que actúen.
En este segmento intensivo descubrirás:
En esta alucinante sesión, Randy te guiará a través del proceso de eliminar las cosas que no te gustan de ti mismo y reemplazarlas con comportamientos, rasgos y estrategias que te empoderan. Descubrirás cómo las creencias limitantes pueden causar miedo, dudas y baja autoestima, cómo identificarlas y luego eliminarlas.
Esta sesión concluirá cuando tú y el grupo salgan a la fogata, donde Randy facilitará una ceremonia del “Burning Bowl”. Quemarás mental (y físicamente) aquello que ya no te sirve, enviándolo de regreso a la nada de donde vino. Crearás un vacío para el verdadero futuro que deseas crear para ti. Esta experiencia intensa, emocional y personal y la forma en que Randy la lleva probablemente alterarán tu vida para siempre. De verdad.
¿Qué experimentarás?
Pasarás tiempo con el resto de los participantes y crearás una mentalidad para un día extraordinario de avances.
De nada sirve trata de firmar más socios o tener más clientes si aún resuelves los autosabotajes internos que te mantienen secuestrado en el estancamiento. Puedes aprender todas las estrategias técnicas para volverte Triple Diamante Ultra Plus, pero pasarán los años y no entenderás por qué no llegas. Es porque no te has destrabado por dentro.
Todos tenemos rollos de Autoestima, Identidad, miedos, culpas, relación tóxica con el dinero, incluso contratos kármicos. Si no resuelves estos temas, te será imposible escalar los rangos de tu compañía.
Con Erick podrás:
Inspírate junto con tu equipo escuchando todo lo que se puede lograr cuando te transformas en la persona correcta y aprende los secretos, atajos y estrategias de aquellos que ya alcanzaron la cima.
Hay dos formas de construir un gran equipo: basándose en tu carisma o basándose en un movimiento. El carisma trae resultados limitados que disminuyen cada nivel alejado de ti en el que se encuentra alguien en la organización. Los movimientos continúan con o sin ti, creando un flujo continuo de nuevas personas que se unen a la organización.
En esta masterclass de liderazgo entenderás:
Después de más de 30 años de profundo estudio y reflexión sobre la naturaleza, la práctica y los principios de la prosperidad, Randy postula que una vida próspera se crea en cuatro cuadrantes. Cuando los cuatro cuadrantes funcionan a un alto nivel, es cuando se logra la prosperidad termonuclear. Esta es una condición holística que involucra todos los aspectos de su vida. No es una verdad que aprender, sino una forma de vivir en la que participar: un estado de existencia consciente.
El poder no proviene de un cuadrante u otro, sino de la sinergia simbiótica creada por toda la receta. La prosperidad es holística. Esto te lleva al “punto ideal” donde vives en gratitud – y aun así posees el “Divino Descontento” para hacer, tener y llegar a ser más. Saldrás de esta sesión sabiendo exactamente cómo manifestar este estado en tu vida.
Alchemy will take place at the Fiesta American Guadalajara hotel in Guadalajara, MX.
Experience luxury and conveniences at the Fiesta Americana Guadalajara, a premier hotel located in the heart of the city. This elegant property offers guests a range of top-notch amenities, including spacious rooms, 24-hour fitness center, an outdoor pool , and multiple on-site dining options.
The hotel’s prime location puts you just steps away from Guadalajara’s vibrant cultural scene, known as the birthplace of iconic Mexican traditions like mariachi music and tequila. Explore the city’s rich history at nearby attractions such as the stunning Guadalajara Cathedral and UNESCO World Heritage Site Instituto Cultural Cabañas.
We’re going all out on this event to create a life-transforming experience for you. Erick, Randy, and Jaime will be offering their best content, developed from years of creating success for themselves and millions of people around the world.
This interactive weekend of programming will give you every tool you need to become a world-class leader, create momentum in your team, and explode your business. You will walk out at the end, confident, with a plan and the knowledge to execute it.
If you’re done with playing small, if you’re tired of being stuck, if you’re ready for answers…
Then register below today.
Top 7 Reasons You Need to Be at Alchemy…
Get Inspired by Success. You’ll be gobsmacked by the creative energy, brilliant insights, and demonstrations of success swirling around you the entire weekend.
In-Depth Deep Dives. Unlike other seminars where there’s a never-ending parade of presenters offering tidbits and soundbites, the Alchemy sessions are designed for deep exploration of meaty topics that lead to true breakthroughs.
Learn from Icons. Erick, Randy, and Jaime are legendary icons of the leveraged sales profession with decades of success under their belt. The chance to learn from them in such an intimate, interactive environment can transform your life.
Network with Elite Performers. The people who will be attending Alchemy operate at the highest levels of success. Some of them earn more in a month than many people earn in a lifetime. You’ll be spending breaks with them participating in interactive exercises and sharing in a transformational experience.
Safe to Bring Your Group. Alchemy is nothing like the usual “pitch fests” with a parade of speakers talking at you, selling their e-books and crypto scams. You and your team will interact with and learn from three world-class presenters who have built reputations of impeccable, unquestioned integrity.
Exhilarating Fun. Forget all those “death by PowerPoint” events you’ve probably endured. You will have the time of your life at Alchemy, having new experiences, undergoing breakthroughs, and making new friendships that will last a lifetime.
Total Immersion. The curriculum has been designed to pull you through an experiential, interactive, mindset-altering progression of learning, exercises, and introspection – that lead you through transmutation and transformation. You will leave an entirely different person than when you arrive.
At Alchemy, you can expect deep dive discussions, interactive experiences, and personalized guidance so your get optimal results. Because we’re holding this program in Guadalajara, it’s easy to get to and offers you great value. And because it’s the inaugural event and the only Spanish language program we’re presenting this year, you can bet the rent it will sell out quickly.
Please don’t wait. Fill in the form below lock in your spot for Alchemy September 21-22 in Guadalajara, MX. I’m eager to see you there!
To your success!
– Andrea Eseiza
It’s that simple.
Then make sure to check your email inbox. As soon as your order has processed, you will receive a confirmation letter that contains a link to a special attendee-only website where we share important details and a link to the special discount room block at the host hotel.
General Admission
Regular $777
Special $427
Digital Admission
Regular $247
Special $147
VIP Leadership Package
Regular $1500
Special $977
Everything included in the General Admission ticket plus:
Pack of 15 General Tickets
Regular $11,655
Special $6400
One of the 15 Tickets upgrades to VIP and all other tickets receive:
Yes…but no. Don’t come expecting sessions on how to retail products, find prospects, or explain your comp plan though. Do come expecting to go through a transformation making the best leader you can be, one who inspires a team of tens of thousands of distributors and has a major impact on the entire profession.
This event could never get the results we’ll be producing if you were watching on a phone or computer screen. You need to be in the room playing all out. The truth is that if it is impossible to attend, we though of broadcasting a couple of sessions but it completely loses the meaning of the event. If you are really committed to your transformation, you have to come in person.
Yes, the dress code is casual funky. No tuxedos, ties, or crocs allowed. You should dress the same way you would if you were meeting Lady Gaga for a song writing session in the East Village, or Timothée Chalamet for a script reading in Beverly Hills. Wear comfy clothes that express your personality and fuel your creativity.
We will be provided beverages, fruit, and other healthy snacks in the mornings and refreshments for the afternoon breaks. We’ll also be providing some tasty bites at the special welcome reception and book signing. You will be on your own for lunch and dinner. Please use those opportunities to do your homework and network with other attendees at the restaurant, coffee house, and bar and grill.
If something comes up and you can’t attend for any reason, if you cancel by August 7th, you’ll receive a refund minus a $150 processing fee. If you cancel after August 7th, you will receive a credit toward a future event from Duplication Nation, Inc. minus a $150 processing fee.